ASUS a répondu aux préoccupations concernant son système Q-Release Slim, affirmant qu’il n’endommage ni les cartes graphiques ni les cartes mères. Contrairement aux versions précédentes, ce système ne comporte plus de bouton de déverrouillage spécial : il suffit de tirer la carte pour la libérer du port PCIe.
Les tests internes d’ASUS n’ont pas montré de problèmes en usage normal, mais des rayures sur les connecteurs PCIe ont été observées après 60 insertions et retraits répétés. Certains utilisateurs ont aussi noté que le système pouvait nécessiter une force supplémentaire, en particulier sur les cartes mères ASUS série 800.
ASUS assure que, si les directives sont suivies, aucun dommage ne devrait survenir. Toutefois, si des utilisateurs rencontrent des problèmes, l’entreprise prendra ses responsabilités. Elle recommande de contacter son service client en cas d’usure inhabituelle du connecteur PCIe ou de la carte graphique.
Q-Release Slim, déclaration officielle d’Asus
ASUS recently introduced its buttonless PCIe Q-Release Slim design to simplify the process of removing a graphics card. Unlike the previous generation of PCIe Q-Release, this design no longer requires a button to unlock the graphics card. To prevent the graphics card from accidentally sliding out, the new design includes a locking mechanism and metal reinforcement for added strength. The correct insertion and removal method is indicated in the user manual and select motherboard product packaging.
By following these guidelines, the new design performs similarly to traditional PCIe slots, leaving only usage marks under normal usage frequency. While it performs similarly it is significantly simpler and easier to remove the graphics card and allows the user to do so without any tools which can directly or inadvertently damage the slot, motherboard and or graphics card. This design also reduces possible mechanical conflicts.
In our internal testing and evaluation of the extremely small number of cases reported we found no damage to the motherboard or graphics card that would affect functionality and or performance. However, it is important to emphasize that any type of PCIe add in card will exhibit signs of usage and wear marking after 60 continuous insertions and removals. Additionally, if the installation and removal are not performed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (see below), the likelihood of scratches and or wear may increase. Despite this, we have found no impact on the functionality of either the graphics card or the motherboard.
For those currently using ASUS motherboards with the PCIe Q-Release Slim design, there is no need for concern. Simply follow the official removal guidelines to avoid any potential damage. We would note minimal effort is required and excessive force should not be applied. If you encounter any specific issues or abnormalities, ASUS will take full responsibility and handle them. We committed to ensuring service and support for our customers; please contact ASUS customer service for assistance and or more information.
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MyASUS App –Should you have further feedback you would like to share directly with our service and support team please use the contact link.
Additional information / Questions
Recommendation on using Q-Release Slim –
Please reference our support documentation which can be found on our motherboards model service and support page/manual. Please reference our support documentation, which can be found on our motherboard model service and support page/manual.Is ASUS working on design revision/change?
If the graphics card is inserted and removed following the manufacturer’s recommended installation methods, there should be no issues. We will further promote and detail the correct installation and removal procedures with additional tutorials to mitigate these risks. Additionally, we continue our research and development of ASUS Q-Design implementations.
How did ASUS not catch this during design, development and validation?
Our testing has passed the industry’s PCIe Slot standards, including 40 insertion and removal tests without abnormalities. In some external testing instances 60 insertions with incorrect methods cause additional wear, making usage marks more apparent. Incorrect angles and excessive force can cause further scratches but do not affect the functionality of the graphics card or motherboard.
What durability testing has been done for the new Q-Release slim mechanism?
The durability tests conducted include:
- Temperature and humidity tests in a chamber
- Vibration tests along XYZ axes
- Shock tests up to 50G
- Installation tests
- Thermal shock tests from -40℃ to 85℃ for nearly 48 hours
- 40 insertion and removal tests on the slot (the association standard is 25 times)
Tests may leave usage marks on the graphics cards, but no signs of damage to the graphics cards or motherboards were observed. Both the graphics cards and motherboards were unaffected in terms of functionality.
Are there any reports or cases on the broader implemented Q-Release (non slim) motherboards?
At this time ASUS is not aware of any reports or cases with first-generation Q-Release enabled motherboards.