Windows 10

Windows 10 20H2, KB5001391 déploie le widget « Actualités et météo » de la barre des tâches

Le widget « Actualités (centre d’intérêt) et météo » ne sera pas une exclusivité Windows 10 21H2. C’est du moins ce que laisse penser la mise à jour KB5001391.

Microsoft déploie une nouvelle mise à jour cumulative Windows 10, KB5001391. Elle débarque au travers du programme Windows Insider. Elle vise les PC inscrits sur les canaux Beta et Release Preview. Son contenu propose principalement des correctifs afin de résoudre des bugs.

Windows 10 build 21354 - Module météo et actualités
Module météo et actualités

L’un des plus importants focus est cependant ailleurs. Elle ajoute une importante nouveauté de Windows 10 21H2 aux anciennes versions du système d’exploitation. En clair le widget « Actualités et météo » débarque sous Windows 10 21H1 et 20H2.  A ce sujet le géant du logiciel précise

« Nous proposons le module « actualités et météo » aux versions de Windows des canaux Beta et Release Preview. […] Ce Widget vous permet de vous tenir au courant des informations en un coup d’œil, et nous sommes impatients de savoir ce que vous en pensez. »

Cette nouveauté n’est proposée pour le moment qu’aux Etats-Unis, au Royaume Uni, en Australie et en Inde. Il est intéressant de noter s’agit d’une solution pour Microsoft afin de mettre en avant son moteur de recherche « Bing » et son service Bing News.

Windows 10 et KB500139

Pour le reste KB5001391 s’attaque à une longue liste de problème. Vous trouverez tous les détails en fin d’article.

Nous pouvons cependant souligner la résolution d’un souci de sortie du mode IE dans Microsoft Edge et de vignettes vierges dans le menu Démarrer. La mise à jour s’attaque aussi à un problème qui désactive le mode S lorsque System Guard Secure Launch est activé et un souci d’une utilisation sans fin de la mémoire par lsass.exe. Cela se produit lorsque Transport Layer Security (TLS) reprend une session. Microsoft corrige aussi un bug à l’origine d’un blocage dans le New Technology File System (NTFS).

KB500139 – note version

This update includes the following improvements:

  • We are rolling out news and interests on the Windows taskbar to Beta and Release Preview rings. This has been available in the Dev Channel, with on-going improvements based on Insider feedback. News and interests on the taskbar make it easy to stay up to date with information at a glance, and we look forward to hearing what you think.
  • We fixed an issue that prevents a site from transitioning out of Microsoft Edge IE Mode when expected.
  • We fixed an issue that fails to remove mandatory profiles completely when you sign out when using the “Delete cached copies of roaming profiles” Group Policy.
  • We fixed an issue that causes blank tiles to appear on the Start menu with names such as “ms-resource:AppName” or “ms-resource:appDisplayName”. These blank tiles represent the installed applications and appear for approximately 15 minutes after updating to a newer version of Windows 10. Installing this update prevents these blank tiles from appearing on the Start menu.
  • We fixed an issue with the Microsoft Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) that prevents an app’s custom candidate window from displaying correctly.
  • We fixed an issue that occurs when you install inventory applications.
  • We fixed an issue that includes kernel mode rules for .NET applications in Windows Defender Application Control policies. As a result, the generated policies are significantly larger than necessary.
  • We fixed an issue that causes devices to fail Device Health Attestation.
  • We fixed an issue that turns off S Mode when you enable System Guard Secure Launch on a system running Windows 10 in S Mode.
  • We fixed an issue that causes lsass.exe memory usage to grow until the system becomes unusable. This occurs when Transport Layer Security (TLS) resumes a session.
  • We fixed an issue with a race condition between Task Scheduler and the Workstation Service. As a result, users cannot automatically join a hybrid Azure Active Directory (AAD) domain and error 0x80070490 is generated.
  • We fixed an issue that causes Azure Active Directory authentication to fail after signing in on Windows Virtual Desktop machines.
  • We fixed an issue that causes AAD Work Accounts to unexpectedly disappear from certain apps such Microsoft Teams or Microsoft Office.
  • We fixed an issue with a partial Service Connection Point (SCP) configuration that causes dsregcmd.exe to stop working. This issue occurs because of a case-sensitive domain ID name comparison that occurs when joining a hybrid Azure Active Directory domain using single sign-on (SSO).
  • We fixed an issue that accidently triggers hybrid AAD joining when the Group Policy “Register domain-joined computers as devices” is set to DISABLED. For more information, see Post configuration tasks for Hybrid Azure AD join.
  • We added the ability to adjust the amount of idle time before a headset goes to sleep in the Settings app for Windows Mixed Reality.
  • We fixed an issue that might generate a stop error when Docker containers run with process isolation.
  • We fixed an issue that causes automatic enrollment and certificate retrieval to fail with the error, “The parameter is incorrect.”
  • We fixed an issue that might cause Microsoft Defender Application Guard virtual machines to stop responding when Microsoft Defender Application Guard for Office opens a document. This issue might occur on some devices or in drivers that utilize GPU Hardware Accelerated Scheduling.
  • We fixed an issue that prevents some media players from playing content on hybrid devices that are running with dGPU on iGPU displays.
  • We fixed an issue with race conditions that cause high CPU usage. As a result, the system stops working and deadlocks occur.
  • We fixed an issue with a deadlock in the New Technology File System (NTFS).
  • We fixed an issue that causes DWM.exe to stop working in some cases.
  • We fixed an issue that might prevent an application screen from working when using a Remote Desktop ActiveX control that is embedded in an HTML page.
  • We improved the Windows Server Storage Migration Service by:

Jerome G

Aime l'innovation, le hardware, la High Tech et le développement durable. Soucieux du respect de la vie privée.

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