Windows 10

Windows 10 build 17040 est disponible en téléchargement, quoi de neuf ?

Une nouvelle construction de Windows 10 Redstone 4 est déployée par Microsoft. Windows 10 Build 17040 débarque avec plusieurs nouvelles fonctionnalités. 

Cette version est proposée aux utilisateurs du programme Insider inscrit à l’anneau rapide ou ayant opté pour l’option Skip Ahead. Windows 10 build 17040 s’enrichit de nouvelles options dans l’application « Paramètres ».

Windows 10 build 17040, HDR et accessibilité

L’utilisateur peut désormais gérer la luminosité d’un contenu SDR sur un écran HDR. Microsoft explique

«À partir de la version 17040, Windows vous permet de régler la luminosité du contenu SDR lors de l’exécution en mode HDR sur le bureau. Sur un système compatible HDR, vous verrez un curseur apparaitre dans la page « HDR and Advanced Color settings » présente dans  Paramètres> Système> Affichage. C’est l’une des améliorations de la qualité d’image HDR que nous avons planifiées sur la base des commentaires d’Insiders »

En parallèle une nouvelle section Curseur, pointeur et toucher tactile fait son apparition. Elle permet de poursuivre l’enrichissement de « Paramètres » devenant au fil des versions le centre névralgique du système d’exploitation. Les options « changer l’épaisseur du curseur » ou encore « changer la taille et la couleur du pointeur » et d’autres ont été déplacé dans « Paramètres ».

Le clavier tactile profite de plusieurs améliorations. Microsoft permet désormais l’écriture de forme avec un clavier en mode large. Enfin des améliorations gestuelles sont annoncées comme l’insertion d’un espace avec l’insertion d’un petit V inversé et la suppression de ce dernier à l’aide un demi-cercle relayant les deux lettres souhaitées. De même un angle à 90° permet de poursuivre une phrase en nettoyant la zone de saisie.

A tout ceci s’ajoute une liste assez conséquente de corrections de bugs. Il y a par contre des problèmes connus et sans solution pour le moment (voir détails).

Windows 10 build 17040 – changelog

General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC

  • We’ve added settings that let you view and manage your activity history, which Cortana uses to let you pick up where you left off. Find these settings in Settings > Privacy > Activity history.
  • We fixed an issue where network profiles might change from Private to Public after upgrading to the previous build.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in checkboxes being missing from certain win32 apps.
  • We fixed a typo in the Windows Defender Security Center’s Controlled Folder Settings.
  • We fixed an issue resulting not being able to fully remove Windows.old in the last two flights.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in Narrator not saying anything when the candidate bar for hardware keyboard prediction opened. We also fixed an issue where Narrator wasn’t reading the word candidate when the focus moved into candidate bar.
  • We fixed an issue where the “Working on updates” screen was black with a small theme colored box instead of entirely theme colored.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in some Insiders experiencing a green screen on the previous flight with the error BAD_POOL_CALLER.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in UWP app sometimes leaving drop shadow leftovers after closing the window.
  • We fixed an issue where inactive window scrolling wouldn’t work if Excel 2016 was in focus.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in a noticeable flicker when using hotkeys or a precision touchpad to switch between virtual desktops.
  • We fixed an issue where the XAML Reveal light wouldn’t follow your mouse until the first mouse click – instead showing the entire element lit. This issue was visible in Settings and other XAML based UI in the last few builds.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in changes to Feedback Frequency in Feedback & Diagnostics Settings not persisting after leaving the page and returning.
  • We fixed an issue where Start wouldn’t open if you pressed the Windows key when the system menu from elevated Command Prompt or Task Manager window was open.
  • We fixed a rare issue where if you had certain streaming-capable apps on your PC before upgrading you might end up seeing a black screen with only a cursor for some time after logging in.
  • We fixed an issue from recent flights where the “Add” button in the PIN section of Sign-in Option Settings didn’t work for local accounts.
  • We’ve updated the icon for Collections in Cortana.
  • We’ve updated the touch keyboard so that the margin between each key is visual only. This change will be noticeable if you accidentally overshoot the key press by just a tiny bit – before it might seem as if key presses were being dropped in this scenario.
  • Based on your feedback, the feature to restore applications that have registered for application restart after you reboot or shutdown (through power options available on the Start Menu and various other locations) has been set to only occur for users that have enabled “Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting my device after an update or restart” in the Privacy section under Sign-in Options Settings.

Known issues

  • If you are experiencing broken functionality in Mail, Cortana, Narrator or missing some features like Windows Media Player, please see this Feedback Hub post:
  • Popular Tencent games like League of Legends and NBA2k Online may cause 64-bit PCs to bugcheck (GSOD).
  • VPNs which use custom pop-up windows during connection attempts may fail to connect with error 720.
  • Due to a bug that was introduced on this build, you may not receive all of your notifications from Cortana. Reminders are unaffected by this bug, but you may not receive other Cortana notifications that you are expecting. We are working to resolve this issue and will release the fix in an upcoming flight.
  • The Properties dialog for This PC in File Explorer isn’t working and can’t be invoked from the context menu.
  • Insiders with certain third party antiviruses and OneDrive Files on Demand enabled may see an error citing “OneDrive cannot connect to Windows”.
  • ADDED: [DEVELOPERS] Deploying an x86 app to a x64 PC remotely result in “FileNotFound” deployment failures if the target PC is running Build 17040. Deploying an x64 app to a x64 PC remotely or a x86 app to a x86 PC will work fine.
Jerome G

Issu d’une formation scientifique. Aime l'innovation, la High Tech et le développement durable. Soucieux du respect de la vie privée.

Publié par
Jerome G

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