Windows 10

Windows 10, KB4577069 est disponible en téléchargement, quoi de neuf ?

Microsoft vient de publier une nouvelle mise à jour cumulative Windows 10, KB4577069. Visant les PC sous 1809, elle est disponible sur le service Microsoft Update Catalog ou au travers de Windows Update.

L’installation de KB4577069 permet au système d’exploitation d’évoluer en version 17763.1490. Ce chiffre est important car il permet de s’assurer rapidement et facilement que tout s’est bien déroulé. Pour le dénicher il suffit de lancer « winver.exe » dans Exécuter (WIN + R).

Comme nous l’avons annoncé, elle s’adresse aux ordinateurs sous Windows 10 v1809, Windows Server 1809 et Windows Server 2019. Microsoft parle d’une mise à jour Preview sachant qu’elle est facultative. Une intervenir manuelle est nécessaire dans Windows Update pour déclencher son téléchargement et son installation. Son contenu sera déployé de manière automatique lors du prochain Patch Tuesday (octobre).

Windows 10 et KB4577069

Il apporte plusieurs changements importants. L’un d’eux s’attaque au navigateur Internet Explorer et à Adobe Flash Player. Une notification est introduite pour informer l’utilisateur de l’abandon de ce logiciel à la fin de l’année. Microsoft Edge est aussi concerné.

Le géant indique que sa suite bureautique Office est la cible de plusieurs correctifs ainsi que Microsoft Edge Legacy. Pour ce dernier nous avons la correction d’un bug empêchant le navigateur de se connecter à certains sites. Remond explique

« Nous avons résolu n problème qui peut générer l’erreur « 0x80704006. Hmmmm… impossible d’atteindre cette page » lorsque vous utilisez Microsoft Edge Legacy. Ce problème se produit lorsque vous essayez de vous connecter à des sites Web sur des ports non standard. » 

Des améliorations sont proposées pour les entreprises dont certains changements pour les politiques de groupe. Vous trouverez tous les détails en fin d’article.

Windows 10 v1809 est en fin de vie. Concrètement cet OS devait être officiellement abandonné en mai dernier. Cependant la date de sa fin de prise en charge a été repoussée en raison de la situation sanitaire mondiale. Le rendez-vous est désormais fixé au mois de novembre.

« Nous avons évalué la situation de santé publique et comprenons l’impact que cela a sur un bon nombre de nos clients. Pour aider à alléger certains des fardeaux auxquels les clients sont confrontés, nous allons retarder la date de fin de service prévue pour les éditions Home, Pro, Pro Education, Pro pour les postes de travail et  IoT Core de Windows 10 v1809 au 10 novembre 2020. »

À l’heure actuelle, la version la plus récente de Windows 10 est May 2020 Update alias 2004. Les regards sont déjà tournés vers la suite connue sous le nom de code 20H2 ou encore October 2020 Update. Le système d’exploitation est désormais sur le canal Release Preview.

KB4577069, note de version

KB4577069 (OS Build 17763.1490) Preview
  • Adds a notification to Internet Explorer 11 that informs users about the end of support for Adobe Flash in December 2020. For more information, see KB4581051.
  • Addresses an issue with using Group Policy Preferences to configure the homepage in Internet Explorer.
  • Addresses an issue with Microsoft Edge IE Mode that occurs when you enable Configure enhanced hang detection for Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge.
  • Addresses an issue that might generate the error ”0x80704006. Hmmmm…can’t reach this page” when using Microsoft Edge Legacy. This issue occurs when you attempt to reach websites on non-standard ports. Any website that uses a port listed in the Fetch Standard specification under bad ports or port blocking might cause this issue.
  • Addresses an issue that displays nothing on the screen for 5 minutes or more during the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) session.
  • Addresses an issue that, in certain scenarios, causes applications to stop working if they are created using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). The error is, “Class not registered” error.
  • Addresses an issue that might display an empty black screen when a device is connecting to a Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) machine.
  • Addresses an issue that causes Cortana to stop working on multiuser devices when you install, uninstall, and reinstall the same update.
  • Addresses an issue that causes a stop error when the initialization of the graphics adapter fails.
  • Addresses an issue to reduce the likelihood of missing fonts.
  • Addresses an issue that displays a black screen momentarily when an application calls the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) Thumbnail API.
  • Addresses an issue that fails to recognize the first East Asian language character typed into a Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) DataGrid.
  • Addresses an issue that causes File Explorer to close unexpectedly when you use a Ribbon shell extension under specific circumstances.
  • Addresses an issue that generates a “No features to install” message when you add a feature, even if you provide administrative credentials.
  • Provides the ability to set a Group Policy that displays only the domain and username when you sign in.
  • Addresses an issue that affects default application associations during certain upgrade scenarios. This might cause numerous toast notifications to appear when you first sign in after the upgrade.
  • Addresses an issue that causes applications to close unexpectedly when a user inputs East Asian characters after changing the keyboard layout.
  • Updates 2021 time zone information for Fiji.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the Microsoft’s System Centre Operations Manager’s (SCOM) ability to monitor a customer’s workload.
  • Addresses a performance issue that occurs when PowerShell reads the registry to check if the ScriptBlockLogging registry key is in the registry.
  • Addresses an issue with creating HTML reports using tracerpt.
  • Addresses an issue that causes an access violation in lsass.exe when a process is started using the runas command in some circumstances.
  • Addresses an issue that prevents the content under HKLM\Software\Cryptography from being carried over during Windows feature updates.
  • Addresses an issue that prevents you from enabling BitLocker after installing the Server Core App Compatibility Feature on Demand (FOD).
  • Addresses an issue that might create duplicate Foreign Security Principal directory objects for Authenticated and Interactive users in the domain partition. As a result, the original directory objects have “CNF” added to their names and are mangled. This issue occurs when you promote a new domain controller using the CriticalReplicationOnly flag.
  • Addresses an issue that prevents a call to NCryptGetProperty() from returning the correct pbOutput value when pszProperty is set to “Algorithm Group” and you are using a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2 device.
  • Addresses an issue in which Windows Defender Application Control enforces package family name rules that should be audit only.
  • Addresses an issue in which the WinHTTP AutoProxy service does not comply with the value set for the maximum Time To Live (TTL) on the Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file. This prevents the cached file from updating dynamically.
  • Addresses an issue that might redirect Software Load Balancing (SLB) traffic to a different host when that traffic goes through a multiplexer. This causes the connection to an application to fail.
  • Adds new functionality to the robocopy command.
  • Adds Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate authentication over HTTP/2.
  • Addresses an issue that prevents Always On VPN (AOVPN) from automatically reconnecting when resuming from Sleep or Hibernate.
  • Addresses an issue that causes Microsoft Office applications to close unexpectedly when using a Korean Input Method Editor (IME).
  • Adds an Azure Active Directory (AAD) Device Token that is sent to Windows Update (WU) as part of each WU scan. WU can use this token to query for membership in groups that have an AAD Device ID.
  • Addresses an issue that fails to log events 5136 for group membership changes in certain scenarios. This occurs when you use the “Permissive Modify” control; for example, the Active Directory (AD) PowerShell modules use this control.
  • Addresses an issue that causes a deadlock when Offline Files are enabled. As a result, CscEnpDereferenceEntryInternal holds parent and child locks.
  • Addresses an issue that causes deduplication jobs to fail with stop error 0x50 when you call HsmpRecallFreeCachedExtents().
  • Removes the HTTP call to that the Remote Desktop Client (mstsc.exe) makes at sign out when using a Remote Desktop Gateway.
  • Addresses an issue with evaluating the compatibility status of the Windows ecosystem to help ensure application and device compatibility for all updates to Windows.
  • Addresses an issue with setting the “Restrict delegation of credentials to remote servers” Group Policy with the “Restrict Credential Delegation” mode on the RDP client. As a result, the Terminal Server service tries to use “Require Remote Credential Guard” mode first and will only use “Require Restricted Admin” if the server does not support “Require Remote Credential Guard”.


Jerome G

Issu d’une formation scientifique. Aime l'innovation, la High Tech et le développement durable. Soucieux du respect de la vie privée.

Publié par
Jerome G

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