Windows 11

Windows 11 et les MAJs KB5031358 et KB5031354, quoi de neuf ?

Beaucoup de choses !

La grande maintenance mensuelle d’octobre 2023 déploie deux mises à jour cumulatives pour Windows 11, KB5031358 et KB5031354. La première vise 21H2 et la seconde 22H2.

Ce Patch Tuesday est important pour ce système d’exploitation. C’est la dernière maintenance pour Windows 11 21H2. L’OS est désormais abandonné par Microsoft. En parallèle Windows 11 22H2 accueille toutes les nouveautés de Moment 4. Elles ne sont pas inconnues puisqu’elles sont disponibles depuis quelques jours via une mise à jour facultative. Désormais le téléchargement et l’installation sont automatiques.

Concernant la sécurité Microsoft corrige 75 vulnérabilités dont 12 sont jugées de gravité critique. Elles concernent le protocole Layer 2 Tunneling (CVE-2023-38166, CVE-2023-41765, CVE-2023-41767, CVE-2023-41768, CVE-2023-41769, CVE-2023-41770, CVE-2023-41771, CVE-2023-41773, CVE-2023-41774), Microsoft Message Queuing (CVE-2023-35349, CVE-2023-36697) et le module Virtual Trusted Platform (CVE-2023-36718). Tout ce petit monde permet l’exécution de code à distance.

Windows 11 21H2 et KB5031358

Son installation permet au système d’exploitation d’évoluer en version 22000.2538. Ce nombre est un moyen simple de s’assurer que l’installation s’est déroulée avec succès. Vous pouvez le dénicher en lançant winver.exe dans « Exécuté » (WIN+R).

Nous retrouvons l’ensemble du contenu de la mise à jour facultative du mois de septembre 2023 (KB5030301). Le fait le plus marquant concerne la résolution d’un bug affectant Excel. Il peut faire planter l’application lors d’un partage d’un fichier PDF dans Excel.

Voici la note de version

  • New!This update completes the work to comply with the GB18030-2022 requirements. It removes and remaps characters for Microsoft Wubi input and Microsoft Pinyin U-mode input. You can no longer enter character codepoints that are not supported. All the required codepoints are up to date.
  • This update supports daylight saving time (DST) changes in Greenland.
  • This update changes the spelling of Ukraine’s capital from Kiev to Kyiv.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects account lockout event 4625. The format of the event is wrong in the ForwardedEvents log. This occurs when an account name is in the user principal name (UPN) format.
  • This update affects the Key Distribution Center (KDC) and user security identifiers (SID). KDC now reads the user SID from the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) of a certificate. Because of this, mobile device management (MDM) providers can use offline templates to fill in the user SID. To learn more, see KB5014754.
  • This update addresses an issue that is related to changes in the forwarding of events.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects XPath queries on FileHash and other binary fields. It stops them from matching values in event records.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects an Application Virtualization (App-V) environment. Copy operations within it stop working. This occurs after you install the April 2023 update.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) certificate. The system reports some SCEP certificate installations as failed. Instead, the system should report them as pending.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Microsoft Print to PDF. It uses the metadata for the name you sign in with as the author of a printed PDF. It should use the display name instead.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects some USB printers. Microsoft Defender stops them from printing.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC). AppID Tagging policies might greatly increase how long it takes your device to start up.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects IMEPad. It stops working. This occurs when you enter end-user-defined characters (EUDC).
  • This update addresses an issue that affects application compatibility. It is related to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Remote Apps. The display of some elements is not aligned correctly.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC). It has a handle leak. Because of this, the system runs out of memory.
  • This update addresses an issue that might make Windows stop responding. This might occur if you use Microsoft OneDrive files that are compressed by NTFS.
  • This update addresses an issue that might cause a user-mode memory leak. It might occur when you call CopyFile()or MoveFile().
  • This update addresses an issue that affects external binding. It fails. This occurs after you install Windows updates dated May 2023 or later. Because of this, there are issues that affect LDAP queries and authentication.

Windows 11 22H2 et KB5031354

Nous sommes devant un important update. Son installation permet à l’OS de passer en version 22621.2428. Il propose tout le contenu de la mise à jour facultative KB5030310 du mois de septembre 2023. Elle inclut toutes les nouveautés de Moment 4.

Voici les trois faits les plus marquants.

L’une des avancées les plus marquantes est probablement l’introduction de Copilot, un assistant alimenté par l’intelligence artificielle. Son objectif est de l’OS plus convivial et intelligent. Ses capacités sont pour le moment limitées à quelques commandes, telles que la prise de captures d’écran ou le passage en mode sombre. En parallèle Windows 11 s’enrichit d’une nouvelle application de sauvegarde, conçue pour faciliter l’inclusion de nouveaux contenus sur OneDrive. Cela s’appliquera à certains dossiers, paramètres et personnalisations. Cette application n’a pas la vocation de rivaliser avec des utilitaires de sauvegarde spécialisés.

Enfin l’interface de l’explorateur de fichiers bénéficie d’un important travail avec à la clé des modifications, notamment un déplacement de l’adresse et de la barre d’outils afin de proposer un environnement proche de celui d’un navigateur web. Le module “Galerie” est dédié à la gestion des images et des clichés, adoptant une approche similaire à l’affichage chronologique de l’application Photos. Le volet d’informations affiche des miniatures plus grandes et une nouvelle option de partage.

Voici la note de version


  • New! This update introduces websites to the Recommended section of the Start menu. These websites will be personalized for you and come from your browsing history. This gives you quick access to the websites that are important to you. You can remove any website URL from the Recommended section using the shortcut menu. To turn off the feature, go to Settings Personalization Start. You can adjust settings for all recommended content on the Start menu on this Settings page. Commercial customers can manage this feature using a policy.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Microsoft Excel. It stops responding when you try to share a file as a PDF in Outlook.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the Korean touch keyboard. It completes the first character in the search box on the taskbar. This is not expected.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the search box tooltip. It does not appear in the correct position.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the search button. It disappears when you interact with the search flyout box.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects sleep mode. After you resume from sleep, a blank window appears that has the title “Windows Input Experience.”
  • This update addresses an issue that affects iCloud Calendar and Contacts. Outlooks fails to properly sync them when you use the iCloud for Windows app. To resume syncing, follow the steps in this Apple Support article.


This non-security update includes quality improvements. When you install this KB:

  • New! This update completes the work to comply with the GB18030-2022 requirements. It removes and remaps characters for Microsoft Wubi input and Microsoft Pinyin U-mode input. You can no longer enter character codepoints that are not supported. All the required codepoints are up to date.
  • This update supports daylight saving time (DST) changes in Greenland.
  • This update changes the spelling of Ukraine’s capital from Kiev to Kyiv.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects account lockout event 4625. The format of the event is wrong in the ForwardedEvents log. This occurs when an account name is in the user principal name (UPN) format.
  • This update affects the Key Distribution Center (KDC) and user security identifiers (SID). KDC now reads the user SID from the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) of a certificate. Because of this, mobile device management (MDM) providers can use offline templates to fill in the user SID. To learn more, see KB5014754.
  • This update addresses an issue that is related to changes in the forwarding of events.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects events that have a TAB character. The events do not render, or you cannot forward them.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects XPath queries on FileHash and other binary fields. It stops them from matching values in event records.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects an Application Virtualization (App-V) environment. Copy operations within it stop working. This occurs after you install the April 2023 update.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Microsoft Print to PDF. It uses the metadata for the name you sign in with as the author of a printed PDF. It should use the display name instead.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects some USB printers. Microsoft Defender stops them from printing.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC). AppID Tagging policies might greatly increase how long it takes your device to start up.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects IMEPad. It stops working. This occurs when you enter end-user-defined characters (EUDC).
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Remote Apps. The display of some elements is not aligned correctly.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC). It has a handle leak. Because of this, the system runs out of memory.
  • This update addresses an issue that might make Windows stop responding. This might occur if you use Microsoft OneDrive files that are compressed by NTFS.
  • This update addresses an issue that might cause a user-mode memory leak. It might occur when you call CopyFile() or MoveFile().
  • This update addresses an issue that affects application compatibility. It is related to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects external binding. It fails. This occurs after you install Windows updates dated May 2023 or later. Because of this, there are issues that affect LDAP queries and authentication.

Il est possible de récupérer manuellement ces deux mises à jour pour une installation hors ligne. Voici les liens directs via le service en ligne Microsoft Update Catalog  :

Jerome G

Aime l'innovation, le hardware, la High Tech et le développement durable. Soucieux du respect de la vie privée.

2 commentaires

  1. ” …un retour aux paramètres par défaut du profil de performance après chaque redémarrage du système” est de retour: J’ai installé une image antérieure à KB5030310, installé les Adrenalin 23.9.1, fait le Patch Tuesday d’octobre sans KB5030310, mais le problème de profil est réapparu…

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